JAMES CLERK MAXWELL, FAITH, CHURCH AND PHYSICS, by Bruce Ritchie, will be launched on March 6th and costs £15
ECHOES OF CELTIC CHRISTIANITY, by Timothy Pitt, illustrated with photographs by Graeme Clark, is just out and costs £10

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About Handsel Press

The Handsel Press was founded in 1976 to publish high quality academic and more popular books relating Christian faith to other fields of study, and to the arts. It operates ‘from the centre . . . beyond the margins . . . ‘

While books are divided into main categories such as Theology, Bible, Ethic, History and Memoir, under the overall heading of Faith, these categories overlap. Handsel Press upholds the tradition of ‘the Scottish democratic intellect’, and expects the sciences and the arts to talk to one another.

The Press also publishes a number of biographies, commentaries and poetry at a very affordable price.

The Press is owned by the Handsel Trust, SC014135. Handsel Press is a not-for-profit company.

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Jock Stein, Editor

The editor is the Revd Dr Jock Stein, whose books From Cosmos to Canaan and From Ruth to Lamentations can be purchased from the shop.

You can contact him by clicking here

with any questions, or, for example, to sign up for his fortnightly ‘blog and poem’ which goes to a private circulation list, or to get a discount on multiple title orders.

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Lines for 2024

Some advice from a new Handsel Press book: ‘Aidan was concerned not just about travelling, but how he travelled . . . may you travel wisely and well this year.’

(from Echoes of Celtic Christianity)