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Grace and Gaelic, two words which should describe the life and history of the Hebrides. The poet and writer Myles Campbell explores the meaning of grace in English and Gaelic in this delightful book of poems. He was born in Skye, where he now lives, and he also has connections with Ness, Isle of Lewis. Rugadh am bàrd agus sgrìobhadair Maoilios Caimbeul san Eilean Sgitheanach, far a bheil e a’ fuireach a-nis, agus tha buinteanas aige cuideachd ri Nis ann an Leòdhas.
“This is a little jewel of a book, which meditates deeply on the miracles of God’s grace in the entirety of creation. By means of clear and fluent verse in Gaelic and English, based on the Scriptures, Myles Campbell articulates the feelings which arise in his mind when he tries to make sense of every kind of life and colour and complexity, natural and supernatural, in our surroundings. I enjoyed every word of this booklet, and it inspired my soul to sing a ‘new song’ to Almighty God.”
Donald E. Meek
Tha ‘Gràs’ ri mholadh mar leabhran taitneach, togarrach, smaoineachail. Coltach ri seudachan prìseil, làn neamhnaidean falaichte, tha gach pìos bàrdachd air a’ shnìomh ri chèile ’s air a chur an cèill na dhòigh àraidh fhèin, ’s iad uile, còmhla, air an lìbhrigeadh le bòidhchead, beartas agus beòthalachd cainnt. Ann an cumadh samhlachais eadar-dhealaichte, ioma-dhòigheach, a tha a’ tarraing an leughadair air ais chun an aon ghràs thar gach nì eile, tha ‘Gràs’ na leabhran sòlasach ri leughadh – agus ri leughadh a-rithist!
Cairistìona Stone