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POWER PLAYS AND PULPITS: Telford’s Century in Scotland 1750 – 1850

The story of Kirk, social change and shifting policy towards the Scottish Highlands and Islands in the 18th and 19th centuries. “A huge work of scholarship, history and story, rooted in people and places” – Anna Magnusson

Will be £15 when released at the end of October

Power Play – the imposition of authority or influence by one group over another. Thomas Telford’s simple Parliamentary Churches symbolise a century of power plays that rumbled and shook Scotland: Protestants and Catholics; English language and Gaelic language; landlords and crofters; Moderates and Evangelicals; civil law and ecclesiastical law; the Kirk and dissenters; the State and the Established Church of Scotland . . . This book reveals the tension and turmoil in pulpits, parishes, parliament and beyond as competing forces played for power, hearts and minds in an ever-changing Scotland.

ISBN: 978-1-912052-88-2
Year Published: